Forgot password

Important: This article applies to non-SSO users; SSO users should contact their company’s IT administrators.

If you’ve forgotten your Globality password or the password you thought you used to log into Globality is no longer working, you can use the “Forgot password" link on the login screen to initiate resetting your password.

After clicking on “Forgot password?", you'll then be presented with a page where you enter your email address and then click on "Submit >".

Within a few minutes, you’ll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Once you receive the Reset your Globality password email, click on the "Reset Password" link.


Your browser will open to the Change Password screen.

Enter your new password.

Enter your new password again to confirm.

Click on the “Submit" button.

Afterward, you’ll be brought back to the login screen.

Enter your email address and the new password to log in.


If you don’t receive the Reset Password email, there are two possibilities.

Scenario #1 - Email is in your Junk mail folder or quarantined by your company before if reaches your mailbox. If you don’t find it in you Inbox or junk mail folder, please check with your IT administrator to see if it has been quarantined at the company level.

Scenario #2 - The email address you entered is not the same email address we have for you in the Globality platform. For example, your email address on the Globality platform is actually “” but you entered “” or “”.

If you need help confirming the email address we have for you on the Globality platform, please send and email to (for customers of the US Globality platform) or (for customers of the EU Globality platform).